Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sunday, May 11th 2008

Nothing much to say actually, it's quite a holiday for our school. Tomorrow is still a holiday for us cause its chemistry S.P.A and I don't have it *Laughs at the guys who have*. Yesterday's class turned out badly, didn't know what the heck i was doing, paint and paint and paint then stun at a small area for 1.5 hours.

Still haven't asked from her yet, its like everytime I see her I just think, "I'm way out of her league" and just don't have the courage anymore. I can give people advice on this but I'm hopeless at it myself lol.

Blogging isn't fun as it used to be. Had friends reading it last time, but hopefully some person from a "ulu ulu" place can read this post =P

Gotta sign off already, thanks to you'all who read my posts and think they're not crappy ^.^

P.S : Anyone wants to play maple private server PM me. I'll send you the link. Don't call me a kid though =P

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