Friday, August 29, 2008

Saturday, 30th August 2008

It's Saturday again! No tuition today, woohoo! Filing my notes and papers, cause it's TIME TA STUDY! Prelims continue when school re-opens, and it'll be time for us to die and get reborn again. I hate exams, guess many of you do too. Hey! That means we're similar, wanna be friends? Lol. So today.... Guess what? My batik was crapped up. Dunno what to do so started to mix colours randomly. Everyone's pieces were so much better than mine. Sigh, nothing to say, I'm not an artist by nature anyway, unlike many of my classmates.

Trying to do a survey. How many people whom I know that are rich. There's CHAYADI, LEON, MARK. Who is left out..... Can't remember. Maybe I'll tabulate the entire thing and send it to everyone I know as spam. Hmm, this is a crappy post. Maybe tonight I'll edit it again tonight. C'ya guys soon cause we have lessons in the September holidays. Happy studying!

P.S : Jared, ask me the same question you ask me every week on our next meeting.

1 comment:

Jole said...

eeh!! update ur blog lei ;X